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Growing in Friendship With God: Discovering the Joy of Lent
Fr. Andrew Carl Wisdom
Fr. Andrew Carl Wisdom, O.P., and Dominican friars of the Province of St. Albert the Great (the Central Province) commit their very lives to preaching the Gospel. Aligning with the readings for 2021 (Cycle B), this collection provides a convenient resource of reflections on the daily Lenten readings from friars across the province, some of whom have gone before us marked by the sign of faith. Fr. Wisdom accompanies these reflections with daily prayers, challenges he calls, “Doer of the Word Received,” and simple hints to make our Lenten journey impactful, memorable, and personally transformative.Fr. Wisdom’s thoughtfully composed prayers and the reflections of the friars lead us to not only better understand and seek the outstretched arms of Jesus on the cross crucified, but also anticipate the outstretched arms of our loving God waiting to embrace each of us despite our failings. From anecdotal challenges to realistic, practical hints, Fr. Wisdom guides the reader in prayer through each day in Lent.

At Prayer with Saint Dominic
Fr. Michael Monshau, O.P.
This small series of books on prayer presents a wonderful opportunity for Saint Dominic's relatively unpublicized life of prayer to be shared with others. Dominic lived in a milieu in which popular devotion quickly surrounded notable holy persons after their deaths. However, the earliest Dominicans discouraged the development of such devotion in Dominic’s case. They were concerned that if the man were emphasized, his work—the Holy Preaching—would be neglected, and the Holy Preaching is clearly what Dominic's life was all about. This book contains fifteen meditation to help the reader appreciate the many facets of St. Dominic that made him such a dynamic preacher and holy man. Each mediation also includes a scripture passage to several suggested prayer exercises.

At Prayer with Saint Thomas Aquinas
Sr. Mary of Mercy Houle, O.P.; Fr. Michael Monshau, O.P.; and Fr. Patrick Norris, O.P.
Just as food is required for human life, so are companions. At Prayer with Saint Thomas Aquinas is more than just a book about the spirituality of Thomas Aquinas. This book seeks to engage you in praying in the way that Thomas did about issues and themes that were central to his experience. Each meditation can enlighten your understanding of his spirituality and lead you to reflect on your own experience. The goal of Praying with Thomas Aquinas is that you will discover Thomas's rich spirituality and integrate his spirit and wisdom into your relationship with God, with your brothers and sisters, and with your own heart and mind.

Barefoot Journeying
Fr. Benedict Ashley, O.P.
Fr. Benedict M. Ashley, O.P., was a Dominican Priest of the Province of St. Albert the Great. This book covers his early life, academic experience, conversion to Catholicism, and entering the Dominican Order. His career as a teacher, administrator, and a consultant on philosophy, theology, and ethics are detailed along with his own poetry and commentaries. This rich autobiography will be interesting to anyone who knows of the dozens of books Fr. Ashley wrote and how he made his mark on the philosophical and theological thought of the Roman Catholic Church over his long life as a Dominican Friar.

Bede Jarrett Anthology
Edited by Fr. Jordan Aumann, O.P.
These Father Bede Jarrett, O.P. (1881-1934), true to the religious vocation given to him by God, was above all a preacher. By reason of his natural gifts, combined with an unlimited capacity for concentrated work, he could have become a notable scholar and a prolific writer. This outstanding aspect of Father Jarrett's life and work is of particular significance in relation to the present anthology, for it is an anthology of the spoken, rather than of the written, word. Notwithstanding the number of published volumes that bear his name, he actually wrote few spiritual treatises. A number of the books from which extracts have been taken are in fact verbatim reports of courses of sermons taken down as he delivered them.

Brother Martin: Servant Leadership in Ministry to the Sick
Mary Elizabeth O'Brien, O.P.
In this, her latest work, Sr. Mary Elizabeth introduces a side of Brother Martin too long obscured by the ‘Legend’ and invites us to look beyond the miracles and countless healings which are so familiar. Not only does she guide her readers to a vantage point from where they can observe the young protagonist, Martin, grow in wisdom and ability, she methodically highlights the unique qualities and virtues that influenced him. It is those same essential characteristics, which define a Servant Leader, that we will watch mature into Brother Martin’s life of service, one deeply rooted in love. Brother Martin: Servant Leadership in Ministry to the Sick is a must-read for all who are either discerning the call to ministry, service or leadership or are simply desirous of rekindling the flame of authentic servant leadership.

Catherine of Siena, Doctor of the Church:
Notes on Her Life and Teaching
Translated by Fr. Thomas McDermott, O.P.
Giacinto (Hyacinth) D’Urso (1913-2002), Dominican friar of the Province of San Marco and Sardegna (later the Roman Province), is regarded by many Italian commentators as the foremost expert on the mysticism of Catherine of Siena. In 1970, the year Catherine was proclaimed Doctor, Fr. D’Urso wrote his magnum opus, a 113-page article, in the form of notes, on the life and teaching of the Sienese saint in the review Temi di Predicazione published by the Dominicans in Naples. D’Urso brought to this work a classical theological training, knowledge of mysticism in general, his Dominican vocation, and an ardent love of Catherine. He is careful and thorough in his summaries and analyses; his conclusions are balanced and reliable. His style is literary, succinct, and dense. Most important, his scholarship reveals new depths to Catherine’s thought, making for a new appreciation of her on the 40th anniversary of Paul VI’s proclamation.

Catherine of Siena: Essays on Her Life and Thought
Edited with an Introduction by Fr. Thomas McDermott, O.P.
New Priory Press is proud to present this volume of six classic essays on the life and thought of St. Catherine of Siena (1347-80), Dominican mystic and Doctor of the Church. The essays, which include several that appear here in English for the first time, are: Thomas Deman, O.P., “Theology in the Life of St. Catherine of Siena”; Thomas McDermott, O.P., “Catherine of Siena: Doctor of Communion”; Maria Francesca Carnea, “Freedom and Politics in St. Catherine of Siena”; Yves Congar, O.P., “The Holy Spirit in the Prayers of St. Catherine of Siena”; Michael J. Houser, “Processo Castellano. An excerpt from the testimony of Fra Bartolomeo Dominici”; Antoine Lemonnyer, O.P., “The Spiritual Life in the Teaching of St. Catherine of Siena.”

Catherine of Siena: A Sacred Covenant of Caring for the Sick
Mary Elizabeth O'Brien, O.P.
Saint Catherine of Siena has long been considered the patroness of those who minister to the ill and the infirm. Nevertheless, many biographies of the saint pay only minimal attention to Catherine’s care of the ailing. This text reveals the breadth and the beauty of the saint’s tender and compassionate care for those who are ill, documenting the life of a courageous young Dominican tertiary for whom no task of caregiving was distasteful or burdensome. Catherine was both mystic and minister; her secret was that she saw in each ailing neighbor the personification of Christ, her beloved spouse. Saint Catherine’s 14th century care for the sick, carried out in the home, the hospital, the prison and the community, provides inspiration and guidance for contemporary ministers to the sick. She is an inspiring example for all who minister to the ill within the contemporary healthcare environment.

Christian Maturity: A Spirituality for Adult Catholics
Pierre-Andre Liege, O.P., and translated by Fr. Charles Bouchard, O.P.
Written in the late 1950s, this book was one of the first serious attempts to integrate psychology and the study of human development into spirituality and morality. Fr. Liégé uses the thought of St. Thomas, especially his emphasis on the virtues, to show how true holiness can only occur in conjunction with human maturity.

The Inner Life of the Most Reverend Hyacinthe-Marie Cormier, O.P.: 76th Master General of the Dominican Order
Henri Desqueyrous, O.P. and translated by Fr. George Christian, O.P.
Armed with the material collected by the intended author (who died suddenly), the team that took over filled in details culled from Cormier's own writings. Thus, the text could be said to be almost an autobiography. The team succeeded in presenting the main in all his complexity.

Saint Thomas Aquinas: A Biography for Young Readers
Mary Ellen Evans, Geoffrey Gneuhs, and Margaret Nichols
Saint Thomas Aquinas is a saint for the ages. He is also a saint for all ages now thanks to the work of Mary Ellen Evans, Geoffrey Gneuhs and Margaret Nichols. In this narrative retelling of the life of the great theologian, our saint comes alive for young readers looking to find out about the life of such a gifted mind without having to struggle with the deep philosophy in which he finds the profound truths of God. This is a great introduction to this Dominican saint and is very readable for all ages.

St. Martin de Porres: In the Service of Compassion
Fr. Jacques Ambec, O.P. and translated by Fr. George Christian, O.P.
This text is a compilation of activities in the life of St. Martin de Porres that have direct reference to his medical and palliative services, along with prayers pertinent to those activities. The author, Jacques Ambec, is a Dominican from Toulouse (France) and has been engaged in various health services. He has written works that have been published by the St. Paul Company and by Tequi publishers in Paris.

The Official Study Guide for Tuning in to God's Call
Fr. Andrew Carl Wisdom, O.P., and Sr. Christine Kiley, A.S.C.J.
This study guide accompanies Tuning In to God’s Call and can be used in a variety of ways: (1) for group sessions led by Campus Ministers to assist discerning young adults on college campuses; (2) for high school teachers in Religion Life Choices courses; (3) by individuals discerning alone or with spiritual guides or in groups with vocations directors; and (4) by evangelization groups and youth groups in parishes.

We Walk by Faith
Fr. Michael Demkovich
All journeys require guidance of some sort, whether a traditional map or a high tech GPS. This spiritual guide persuades us that the most reliable compass is faith, a faith nurtured by the One who travels with us always. -Most Reverend John C. Wester Archbishop of Santa Fe

Whatever Happened to Sin?
Fr. Charles Bouchard, O.P.
Most of us think morality is an unpleasant reality marked by authority, confusion and either over- simplification or too many grey areas. Yet the moral life is one of the most creative aspects of our life. It is not just what we do, but who we become as persons. It leads us to find wholeness, peace, and above all, happiness. Morality is the art of human living that draws the best out of us and brings us closer to God and to one another.This volume is intended as an introduction for thinking Catholics. It begins with a general overview of what the Catholic tradition means by “morality.” It continues with chapters on sin, virtue, conscience, sexuality, friendship, liturgy, health care ethics and business ethics. It ends with a chapter on the Gifts of the Holy Spirit which in the Catholic tradition are the culmination of a life of virtue.
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